KSYS Solutions

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JENNIFER is designed to monitor on-going issues in your system at once, and to help you find what caused an error when problem occurs in simple way. Here are some of core features that you really need for monitoring application performance.
True Real-time Dashboard & Topology View
Web Service Real-User Monitoring
Lupeon - DB Monitoring

Lupeon is a DB monitoring tool for Oracle and DB2 LUW. It's designed to monitor and analyze database activities to resolve DB issues in a real time manner.
Lupeon can be integrated with the Jennifer Tool to provide one stop perspective including application performance and database performance.
Lupeon allows you to analyze different web application usage for shared database resources.
TAMIS-Bridge Log Monitoring

Automatically analyze the logs and apply capturing rules to monitor critical messages without maunual operations.
Machine learing feature to understand vendors product messages and build the error message database.
Log files monitoring through easy configuration and see the multiple files or logs in one dashboard.
Update the latest messages and errors to the database regularly.